MDM Designs operates under the philosophy that no two websites are alike; therefore we do not follow the philosophy of "standard per site pricing." While one site designed may be 4 pages and another 20+ pages, it hardly seems realistic to expect both customers to pay the same rate. As a result, the sites we design are typically billed on a per page basis. The "template" page (main site design/navigation) is billed at a higher rate then those pages that utilize this template. This pricing structure also allows you to start small and build on as your budget permits. The rates listed below serve as approximate per page charges that can be expected, however, rates may increase as a result of complexity and/or special requests.

Main site design/navigation (template or index page) $75
Additional pages using the above template $40/per page
Maintenance (Changing photos, text, etc.) $35/hr
Hosting $20/mo
Domain Name Registration $35/yr
Online Greeting/Announcement Cards Contact for estimate
Other Services
Contact for estimate

MDM Designs is also willing to work with you to create a custom package that suits your needs. Feel free to contact us today to explore the options. Payments are accepted through PayPal, check, or money order.

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All rights reserved.